
Jellyfin Podman

Introduction Sometime ago I was running Plex Media Server running on my Synology DS1817+. After an update, the WebUI and my AndroidTV App stopped displaying my media. At this point, I started looking for other methods of hosting my videos. I moved to Emby, but wanted to move and utilize Free and Open Source Software. I present JellyFin! Jellyfin became my top choice because it has similar features found in Plex while also being opensource.

Haproxy TLS Edge and Passthrough

Introduction Modern online applcations require better security than before. And one way to add security is to implement TLS certificates for point-to-point encryption. One way of implementation is to integrate TLS within the application. Another method is to utilize a loadbalancer to "Edge" terminate the TLS connection into a secure applcation domain. Red Hat OpenShift uses this latter approach via HAProxy. HAProxy is a "high availability load balancer and proxy server for TCP and HTTP-based applcations".

Pihole on Fedora Coreos via iPXE

Requirments / Necessities DHCP (Juniper SRX) HTTP (Synology) microSD cards (I have 4 or 8GB) (optional) Power-over-Ethernet Switch and PiHats Raspberry Pi 4(s) Setup IP is the IP for the Synology. IP is the IP for a Raspberry Pi 4. DHCP The following Juniper SRX configuration (snipet) is what I use in my network for iPXE: [edit access address-assignment pool lease-default family inet] network; dhcp-attributes { server-identifier 172.

OpenWRT on Ubiquiti UniFi USG Pro 4

Update 2021-08-04: Add GitHub links for my fork and individual links to the patched files Introduction Due to certain events with Ubiquiti; someone I know asked if it was possible to run OpenWRT on the UniFi Security Gateway 3. As I only have a UniFi Security Gateway 4 Pro, I was curious how difficult it was to add support for either UniFi router. As it turns out, the USG3 was based on the EdgeRouter and the USG4 was based on the EdgeRouter Pro, and OpenWRT already has support for both.

Gaming and VR Virtual Machines

Preamble The intent of this setup is to provide a base Linux system for Development and native Gaming, while also providing the ability to run Windows-only Games (or Heavy Windows-only software). The setup will consist of 2TB SSD for Linux where a small 200GB Microsoft Windows 10 disk will also reside. The Windows 10 Virtual Machine will have direct access to several devices like SATA and Graphics. In my setup, the VM will have Three SATA SSDs (for Video Game storage) and a PCI-Express based Graphics Card.

Windows 11 VM (LibVirt/KVM)

Suggested Reading NOTE: See my Windows 10 VM article for a precursor to setting up and installing Windows 11 Software Prerequisites sudo pacman -S swtpm Windows 11 specific changes Secure Boot Setting Up Secure Boot requirement for Windows 11. <os> <type arch="x86_64" machine="pc-q35-5.1">hvm</type> <loader readonly="yes" type="pflash">/usr/share/OVMF/x64/OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd</loader> <nvram template="/usr/share/OVMF/x64/OVMF_VARS.secboot.fd">/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/nvram/win11_VARS.fd</nvram> <boot dev="hd"/> <bootmenu enable="yes"/> </os> TPM Adding TPM Module to the VM (for SecureBoot and etc): <tpm model="tpm-crb"> <backend type="emulator" version="2.0"/> <alias name="tpm0"/> </tpm>